Jo's journey to school is disturbed by several men who harass her with unattended compliments and annoying cat calls. Visibly upset and uncomfortable, she meets Angela, who guides her through a process of awareness and emancipation.

March Together! wants to acknowledge the systemic dimension of the phenomenon of sexual harassment, an issue that is often underestimated and in which the victims are often considered guilty or in some way responsible of what they suffer. As we walk with Jo, we learn how our attitudes and those of people around us fit in patriarchal social dynamics and that, in order to eradicate them, we need everyone's awareness and political commitment. This game was created for the feminist Game Jam.

"Following the worldwide spread of COVID-19, italian government introduced restrictions to contain the infection. Among them, the cancellation of International Women's Day Celebrations in the streets, throughout Italy on 8 March. So we decided to make March Together!"

Created during the first lockdown, in March 2020, by Simona Maiorano and Carolina Velati. Music by Marisol Jang.
Special thanks: Camilla Checchia

The game is available both in italian and english version.

The game is free. Donations will be used to support the cause and create events to raise awareness.

Jo deve andare a scuola, ma diversi uomini disturbano il suo tragitto tra un complimento di troppo e un cat-calling fastidioso. Visibilmente turbata e a disagio, incontrerà Angela, che la guiderà in un processo di consapevolezza e quindi di emancipazione. 

March Together intende restituire una dimensione di sistema al fenomeno delle molestie sessuali, questione che spesso viene sottovalutata e che vede le vittime colpevolizzarsi o essere ritenute in qualche modo responsabili di ciò che subiscono. Camminando con Jo scopriamo come i nostri atteggiamenti e quelli di chi abbiamo attorno sono determinati da dinamiche sociali patriarcali su qualsiasi livello, e che per sradicarle serve la consapevolezza e l'impegno politico di tutt*.
Questo gioco è stato creato per la Feminist Game Jam. 

Creato da Simona Maiorano e Carolina Velati. Musica di Marisol Jang.
Special thanks: Camilla Checchia.

Gioco disponibile sia in inglese che in italiano.

Il gioco è gratuito. Le donazioni saranno utilizzate per supportare la causa tramite iniziative di sensibilizzazione.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorsSimona Maiorano, Carolina Velati, marisoljang
Made withbitsy
Tags8-Bit, Bitsy, english, feminist, italian, Pixel Art, Singleplayer


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What a strong message behind your game! Really impressed and love the gameplay. Think you would be a great fit for the Italian game jam we are hosting. If you are interested you can check it out here: https://adrenalinerush.gamejam.it

Keep up the great work!

This is so cool! Thank you for the game.

The knowledge maze was my favorite part.

Girl I try to understand... :/ but is so black and white ! like for kids

reality is much more complex !!!! All men bad ?? Also u say  "women can wear what they want" but at the same time u speak of ad with the woman dressed in thongs and being objectified? hypocrisy.  

What you truly want in life ? and also who are u to tell other girl what to think? and this how you respect women ? stop trying to impose on others and look at u . 

A girl from another part of world


Grazie :)

grapichs: 8/10

music 7/10

playbility: 9/10


Glad you like it :)